The Execution of Noah

Attempt to take a picture with bokeh

Take a photograph of somebody expressing an interesting facial expression

Take a picture of somebody throwing an object

Take a picture of someone running like a Sanic

Take a picture in black & white (make it look pretty) | Take a picture with the sun coming through the trees making it look like a piece of heaven

Take a macro shot

1st row: "a building 60 stories or taller" | "a fountain" | "a sculpture" | "the reflection of the google camera car in a window" |

2nd row: "a man where a hardhat in a construction zone" | "a couple holding hands" | "someone standing on a balcony" | an american restaurant" |

3rd row: " a waterfall" | "someone taking a photo with an actual camera" | "a bird flying in the sky" | "a stop sign that is not in the English language"

4th row: "a train" | "someone wearing a suit and tie" | "a red bike with nobody riding it" | "someone walking down stairs"

5th row: "walkway"




Cubism Deluxe Picasso Project Face Portrait Assignment Photoshop Thingy

musical instrument project

6.11.14's nature trail adventure consisted of walking through said nature trail and taking pictures.
and having stick-throwing contests.

f/2.8  |  1/1500s  |  ISO 80  |  23mm

vertical lines
f/2.9  |  1/500s  |  ISO 80  |  28mm

f/2.8  |  1/250s  |  ISO 80  |  23mm

f/2.8  |  1/2000s  |  ISO 80  |  23mm


5.10.14 consisted of getting up at 5am, and going to shoot the blue hour & golden hour.
Turned out to be a bust since our location had trees blocking the west (where the sun rises) and we wanted to shoot east. Instead we spent the morning going around the neighborhood and shooting random photos.

taken by ryan
After (a bad) attempt of shooting the blue & golden hour, we headed to the clubhouse and had breakfast. Ryan got this sweet shot of me.

taken by ryan
We left and found a really nice place to shoot, where no cars would really drive by (super helpful).
I've seen people do this kinda jumping thing before and we tried it out.
(holy sh** though that color fringing)

taken by noah
Since I traveled by bike (ryan by longboard), we decided to do some cheeky tricks and take shots.

taken by noah

taken by noah
There's something about this picture that's just immensely bad ass. It's just annoying that a 5dmk2 took this and I got noticeable color fringing. I'll fix it one day.

taken by noah
I was playing in Photoshop, and I was able to get a moon in the background. I thought that was kinda cool.

taken by noah
(ryan did actually kinda fall, but didn't get hurt)

taken by noah
After we left the location, we passed by a small farm, and decided to check out the donkeys.
They were EXTREMELY cute and nice and the one on the left was jealous that he wasn't getting petted so he came over.

taken by noah

taken by noah
We left and found another place to shoot, this time on a busy road. We just had to move every once in a while. Luckily it was a long stretch on both sides so there was plenty of room to play around in.

taken by noah

taken by noah
Fun Fact: Ryan saw a car in the distance and was attempting to move away, this is what I got.

On Friday, the 19th of September 2014, 3rd Period went on the nature trail to take pictures.
Here are my results.

f/2.8  |  1/160s  |  ISO 400  |  16mm

f/2.8  |  1/200s  |  ISO 800  |  16mm

f/2.8  |  1/125s  |  ISO 400  |  35mm
(look at dat BOKEH)

f/2.8  |  1/2000s  |  ISO 400  |  35mm
f/2.8  |  1/200s  |  ISO 400  |  35mm
f/2.0  |  1/200s  |  ISO 400  |  50mm

f/2.8  |  1/125s  |  ISO 400  |  16mm

f/2.8  |  1/80s  |  ISO 400  |  35mm

f/2.8  |  1/200s  |  ISO 400  |  16mm

f/2.8  |  1/1000s  |  ISO 400  |  16mm

f/2.8  |  1/200s  |  ISO 400  |  16mm

f/2.8  |  1/60s  |  ISO 400  |  21mm

f/2.8  |  1/500s  |  ISO 400  |  16mm

what is home?

according to merriam-webster: [1] the place (such as a house or apartment) where a person lives [2] a family living together in one building, house, etc. [3] a place where something normally or naturally lives or is located.

f/4.5  |  15s  |  ISO 100  |  15mm
railroad @ downtown summerville
f/2.8  |  1/6400s  |  ISO 800  |  16mm
speed limit sign
f/4.5  |  55s  |  ISO 100  |  15mm
longboards & trees
f/2.8  |  1/3200s  |  ISO 800  |  16mm
ball o' sparx in b&w
f/4.0  |  35s  |  ISO 100  |  15mm
traffic lights
f/4.0  |  1/8000s  |  ISO 800  |  16mm

Noah Rynearson
Text goes here about me.